About Us
Truvincio was created in 2015 with more than 35 years of experience working in the security and privacy sector with the realization that the real issues are within the SMB market and the greatest risks to a business is its employee. By realizing this fact, The Truvincio Solution was built so that the SMB could implement a program that actually addresses the problem, was low-cost and simple, and an answer that wasn’t yet available to the SMB market.
No idea can ever be successful if it comes from one person. One person may have the seed of an idea, but it cannot reach its potential without adding the creative ideas of others. This truth is more evident when the goal is to address a market threatening concern. Truvincio is no exception. The best teams tend to be comprised of people who may be different in terms of professional and personal experience , but who are willing to work together to reach a common goal. Each person has to be willing to listen to the opinions of other team members and receptive to better ideas and solutions. This is how we work at Truvincio and this is our philosophy. The Truvincio team has started small, but continues to grow and transform in order to better serve our customers and provide better answers and solutions for the marketplace.

average cost of a small business data breach in the US
197 days
time it takes companies to identify a data breach